Monday, 26 January 2015

OOTD - Weekend Uniform + Phillip Lim Pashli

I think that we're all guilty of having a weekend uniform of sorts - you know, one go-to outfit that seems to consume all weekend wear.  I definitely seem to abuse this concept, as I'll find an outfit that I like and wear it the entire weekend.  Loungeing, shopping, brunch, dinner plans - you name it, and I'll find an excuse not to change.  This particular weekend I was drawn to my much-loved big, fuzzy faux-fur coat and just a simple pair of black jeans and a sweater.  I didn't want anything to over shadow my new purchase - the 3.1 Phillip Lim Medium Pashli Satchel!  Read on to hear more about my new purse, and for additional photos and outfit details.

Coat - Topshop, Jeans - Topshop, Sweater - H&M
Booties - Target, Satchel - 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli

I've been thinking about this beauty for a long time now.  I'm talking youtube stalking, online ogling and just general obsessive behaviour over the Pashli.  I had loosely come to terms with my decision to take the plunge and purchase it, when I decided to head to the mall on Saturday morning.  I went into my local Holt Renfrew to browse - just to browse - and struck up a conversation with a sales associate in the accessories department.  This woman was so sweet and attentive, and really took her time with me as I tried on countless handbags.  I made the split decision then and there to purchase the 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli bag, and off I went with my new handbag.  I'm not sure if this is classified as an impulse buy or not, but I have no regrets - and it definitely goes to show the power of good customer service.

Between the new purchase, some fantastic dinner plans and the general awesomeness that comes along with being in the city of Toronto, I had a great weekend - all without changing my outfit once.  Do you overuse one weekend outfit?  Have you ever had such amazing customer service that it convinced you to make a big purchase?  Let me know!

Have a great week,

xo Joëlle



  1. Oh wow, that is one gorgeous bag! Talk about bag porn you lucky girl :)
    xxx Claire

  2. Bag Twinsies! You'll have to let me know how you like the medium size.
    I totally tend to wear the same thing all weekend too. Having a "uniform" is awesome!

    Kris | Love. Loft. Life.

    1. TWINSIES! So far I like the medium size a lot - It's big enough for work, but not so big that it looks like luggage (as did the large one on my frame.) I do love that mini though! We'll have to talk Pashlis when you come to TO soon!

  3. Good choice, that looks like it will be versatile!

    Silly Medley: Lifestyle and Travel


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