Friday, 7 November 2014

OOTD - Zara Plaid Blanket Scarf Pattern Mixing

Happy Friday, Noobs!  Keeping in theme with my last post, I've been borderline obsessing over pattern mixing lately; stripes, florals, plaid, polkadots.. I love them all, and lately I've been loving them all together.  Today's outfit mixes a brown patterned dress with one of my beloved Zara blanket scarves.  I added some brown-toned accessories to keep everything cohesive and in-line with a Fall colour palette.  Read on to see the complete outfit, and for all details.

Brown Pattered Dress - H&M, Checked Blanket Scarf - Zara
Booties - Aldo, Tote - Madewell, Hat - American Apparel

The weather in Toronto has been fairly mild lately, and I'm soaking it all in.  It will only be a matter of time until we have sub-zero temperatures and more snow than we know what to do with!

Are you into pattern mixing?  What are your favourites to mix?  I would love some inspiration!

Have a great weekend

xo Joëlle


  1. So beautiful! Again, love the combo


  2. Love that dress from H&M! I almost bought it last weekend; I couldn't believe how cheap it was!!

    1. I couldn't believe it either! My mom and I had to stop and take a double-take.. and then run to the register before anyone clued in. It was a total Ikea 'start the car' moment, haha!

  3. Gorgeous! Totally in love with that H&M dress :)

  4. I should check out that dress if it's from H&M, it should be in my country as well. Take care and be prepared for the blistery winter in TO (been there!) I love this style and your make-up here, so pretty!

  5. No way I could get away with bare legs in Montreal today. Brrrrr. Adorable outfit though! I just got 2 polka dot blouses that I'm excited to experiment with :)

    Kris |

    1. Oh I know, these photos were taken on Thursday when it was still pretty warm. Friday? SO COLD! Gotta love that Canadian weather that keeps you on your toes! Looking forward to seeing how you style the polka dotted blouses!

  6. Love this outfit! I'd never thought that floral and plaid prints would look so good together!



  7. I love everything about this look! Like, literally everything. Lucky you with the weather, it's gone past the bare legs stage here in England now!
    I've only just found your blog but I really like the way you write haha :) followed on bloglovin!
    lily x

    1. Thanks so much Lily, I'm so happy that you like my blog and are following!

  8. Seriously loving the pattern mixing you're doing here! Love, love, LOVE the scarf! It's funny that the coloring looks a bit different here than on the Zara product page. I wonder if it's because they actually are different or if it's just the lighting.

    1. Glad you like the outfit, Meesh! When I set out to buy the scarf, I was surprised that it wasn't as yellow as it seemed online. That being said it looks different depending on how you fold in, since different colours will show through. Hope that helps~


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