Sunday, 26 October 2014

30 Before 30 - Tactuo Results and Skincare Update

Happy Sunday Noobs!  I hope you're having a great weekend.  My weekend been incredibly quiet and relaxing which, after the crazy work-weeks I have been experiencing, is much needed.  Today I thought that I would give you a bit of an update on my skincare routine; as I last told you here I was starting a topical treatment called Tactuo to help combat my sensitive, acne prone skin as a part of my 30 things to do before 30 challenge.  I had first started using Tactuo (called Epiduo in the United States) back in June, so I feel as though enough time has gone by to give a fair and honest assessment , as well as let you know a little bit about a new product that I have brought into the routine.

After using Tactuo consistently for 4 months, applying a pea sized amount every night after cleansing my face, I can honestly say that my skin have never looked better.  As someone who has struggled with mild to moderate acne since her early teens, the relief that I feel to wake up every morning without any large, inflamed blemishes is overwhelming.  Before using Tactuo I would usually have anywhere between 1-5 blemishes on my face at any given time, and now I regularly have none (one may pop up during my time of the month, but it's rare.)  Is my skin perfect now?  No, definitely not.  I still have problems with tiny whiteheads and uneven skin texture, a result of battling acne for the better part of my early-adult life - nothing a little Microdermabrasion won't fix (I'm starting in November.) These tiny skin problems are so much more manageable now, and I am so grateful to have found a product that has given me the peace of mind of having one less thing to worry about - acne.  To summarize, I would definitely recommend Tactuo to anyone who is struggling with persistent, moderate acne.

I would also recommend another product that I have recently started using and have been enjoying the results.  The Glam Glow Supermud Clearing Treatment has become a staple in my skincare routine, and has really been helping with both whiteheads and blackheads.  I had first heard of this product through multiple beauty bloggers and Youtube gurus, who were all singing it's praises.  Skeptical - I mean, we all know about product endorsements and how they sway people's judgement - I decided to pick up a sample size to try and have been so pleased with the results!  I especially have been seeing a reduction in the pores around my nose, so much so that I've actually had co-workers notice the difference.  This product is a bit on the pricy side, but I use a very small amount every 3-4 days, and only on my t-zone, so I can see it lasting quite a while.

Have you tried either Tactuo or the Glam Glow mud masques?  What have been your results?  I always love hearing about other "miracle" products as well!

xo Joëlle


  1. The Glam Glow treatments are totally worth the hype. I keep it as a treat for when I travel :)

    Kris |

    1. Girl, your travel routine sounds fantastic! I need to start taking notes for my regular routine!

  2. Those co-workers sound pretty awesome!

  3. Great news on the Tactuo, glad it is working for you. I love the GlamGlow masks. I have pretty good skin, but I love the Supermud for whenever my skin is having an off week. I have normal to dry skin and in the winter months I ADORE the Thirty Mud (blue jar). It is my holy grail (hate that overused term, but I'm going to use it anyways)! This one is also amazing pre-plane trip. The stale air in the plane always dries out my skin and this does wonders!


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