I am a procrastinator when it comes to buying gifts, and I'm sure I'm not alone with this. Not only is my schedule completely insane with all of the holiday events, but the malls have hit also an all-time peak in chaos. With all this in mind, I've taken to online shopping for my last-minute holiday gifts and Amazon is completely saving me with their Prime shipping options. Not only do I have a huge selection of amazing gifts to choose from, but I'm also stress-free when it comes to delivery thanks to the Prime option - Free two day shipping! I've gone ahead and put together a last-minute gift guide for those of us that leave our holiday gifts until the eleventh hour. I tried to think of a theme, but honestly these are all gifts that I would be super happy to get!
I've been seeing this Poloroid Instax Mini cameras for a few years now, and always thought that they were cute. This year, during my trip to the Dominican one of the other bloggers I went with brought one of these cuties along, and took some amazing photos of everyone with it! She said she brings it with her on all of her trips, and I was sold. This is a fun little camera to gift someone on your list, especially if they have a trip coming up!
Anyone who has an Instant Pot will talk your ear off about it; so much so that I'm convinced that it's the ultimate gift for this holiday season! This would be a great present for someone with a busy schedule who loves to cook at home, or for someone who's trying to cook more as a new years resolution.
I'm convinced that the way to any dog-lovers heart is through gifts for their pets, so these adorable cable knit doggie sweaters are a great gift option! I have my eye out for one in pink for Fritz.
Makeup palettes are such a fun gift for any girly-girls or makeup-loving guys on your list. I've heard amazing things about The Balm, and this neutral palette looks amazing to create countless natural and dramatic looks.
I picked myself up a Kindle earlier this year, and have been loving it! It's perfect for reading in bed, and comes in especially handy while traveling. In fact, I credit my kindle for keeping me sane during the multiple flight delays that I experienced this year!
Last but not least, the gift that almost everyone will enjoy is this massive Ferrero Rocher chocolate. I recently gifted this giant baby to Brian's grandparents and it was a huge hit - especially since it's filled with more Ferrero Rocher! I'm going to pick up a few more of these to bring with me while visiting family this holiday season.
That's it for my last-minute gift guide! I'm so happy to have Amazon Prime this year to help me out when I'm procrastinating during the holidays. I would love to know if you have some go-to gift ideas when you're in the home stretch of Christmas. Let me know!
xo Joƫlle
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