Friday, 12 December 2014

5 Ways To Stay Happy In The Winter

I have a confession to make: I really struggle in the Winter time.  The cold weather and the short days really take a physical, mental and emotional toll on me, and I have a hard time with finding the motivation to do anything.  Some may simply chalk it up to the winter blues, but after experiencing this fatigue season after season I knew I had to break the cycle and really make an effort to experience happiness during the Winter.  I have a few tips and trick that I rely on to keep my spirits up doing the frigid season.

1. Get Outside

It may seem counter-intuitive, but I really make an effort to get outside during the Winter season.  With daylight at a premium, I take every opportunity to absorb the sun's rays and get some natural Vitamin D when I can.  The outdoor activity doesn't have to be anything too strenuous - sometimes, just getting out for a walk during my lunch breaks can mean the difference between a good or bad afternoon.

2. Stop to Smell the Poinsettias 

Wintertime can truly be beautiful, especially if you're in an area of the world that gets snow - like we do in Canada.  While I'm making the effort to be outdoors, I also take the time to admire the natural beauty that surrounds me.  I make a conscious effort to look past a slushy, dirty road and instead admire a snowy pine tree, or how the light catches icicles and makes them sparkle.  Documenting the beauty of nature by snapping a photo or two on my phone doesn't hurt anything  either - in fact, it motivates me to seek out these beautiful landscapes even more!

3. Hot Tea, Hot Chocolate, Hot Everything!

As a self described gin and tonic kind of lady, I'm usually one to place a good cocktail above most other things in life - especially a non-alcoholic hot drink.  That all changes in the wintertime, when I consciously limit my alcohol consumption and instead switch it up for a steaming mug of goodness.  There is honestly something so soothing, and soul-warming about a hot beverage - particularly a good tea.  I stock up on loose leaf tea and hot chocolate mixes in the Winter time and always indulge in a mug (or two) after work.  A short day doesn't seem all that bad when you know a great cup of speciality tea is waiting for you at night.

4.  Pour a Glass of Wine

...But if I am going to indulge in an alcoholic beverage, then I'll opt for a beautiful glass of rich red wine.  Watching the snow fall outside while sipping a belly-warming glass of red is nothing short of heaven - and is something that is definitely Winter-specific.

5. Make Plans, and Keep Plans

The Winter months can be lonely - cold weather, snow, bad traffic and dark nights can make it difficult to spend time with friends and family.  During the Winter I try to make a conscious effort to fill my day planner with as many activities as I can - and commit to actually keeping them.  It may take all of the willpower I have to meet up with a friend after work, when it's already dark out and all I want to do is nap - but when I do, I never regret it.  Winter can make you feel isolated, but all it takes is a good laugh or conversation with a friend to connect you with the world again.

Now you know the five ways that I keep the Winter blues away.  Do you struggle with Winter as well?  What are some of your tips for keeping happy in the Winter time?

xo Joëlle


  1. Thank you for this! I hate winter and always have such a horrible time during this season. What I struggle with the most is the fact that it gets dark so early, and it feels like my days are unproductive and short. It's probably time for me to break the cycle as well.

    1. Oh Ada - I feel your pain! The lack of daylight really affects me in the Winter! Let me know how you break the cycle!

  2. Great post! I love the beauty of winter and the fashion- boots, layers, and scarves, but I do inevitably get the "winter blues" during this season. This has a lot to do with the fact that I'm up and at work before the sun has completely risen and by the time I get home there is only an hour or so of sunlight left. Taking a vitamin D supplement has helped me, and I always try to spend as much of weekends outdoors as possible.


    Silly Medley: Lifestyle and Travel

    1. Great idea - I'm going to start taking a vitamin D supplement as well!

  3. Oh!
    I understand you so much!
    Winter is just a hard time!

    1. The winter is definitely difficult - I crave the sunlight! I'm glad that you understand :)

  4. I couldn't agree more with #4. Hehe. I used to think that alcohol in general was a depressant but google says otherwise about wine. Apparently the saying "Wine a bit.. you'll feel better" has been validated. :)

    cheers xo
    What Makes Mary


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