Wednesday, 29 October 2014

#Instalately: The Zara Plaid & Checked Blanket Scarf

It's no secret amongst my nearest and dearest that I am addicted to social media - particularly Instagram.  I love capturing tidbits of my daily life and - even more so - snooping around to get a glimpse into the daily life of others.  If you follow me on Instagram, you know that now all of my daily outfits make it onto the blog; oftentimes I don't have my SLR camera on me, and just a quick iPhone snap will have to suffice.

Lately, the Zara plaid blanket scarves have been making a reoccurring appearance through my feed.  I  loved the red checked one from this outfit post so much, that I went back and got another (pictured above.)  The great thing about having a blog and being able to connect with all of you is having a platform to share a good thing - and these scarves are a good thing, particularly for those of us who live in a chilly climate.  They're so soft, comfortable and add an interesting element to even the most basic of outfits.  Check out how I've been styling mine lately.

Booties - Aldo Josseline Taupe

What do you think about the Zara plaid scarves for Fall?  Be sure to follow me on Instagram - let's keep in touch!

xo Joëlle


  1. Love this scarf! It looks so comfy and perfect for the not too cold fall weather we've been having in Toronto!

    1. Definitely! I'm crossing my fingers that we have this gorgeous Toronto weather stick around for awhile yet!

  2. They are sooooo pretty. I love that they are practically blankets, too, since most days all I want to do is go to work in my comforter.

    1. Right? If I had it my way, I would cinnamon-bun-roll myself in my comforter every morning and hobble to work like that!

  3. I think I'm going to get one of the plaid scarves next year. My two blanket scarves are houndstooth and black and white tribal print :)

    Kris |

    1. Both of your scarves sound amazing! I'm still jealous that you're not even thinking about scarves in Hawaii!

  4. I love this outfit! I can't wait to re-create it. I think plaid scarfs are perfect for fall.

  5. Hey there,

    I'm loving the scarf and color combo of your outfit! Cannot wait to receive my scarf!

    Stay chic,

    1. It will be so fantastic when you receive it - I can't wait to see how you styled it!


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