Monday, 28 July 2014

OOTD - Blush Slip Dress

It's hot, and I'm in boots.  The weather has been hot and sticky this past weekend in Toronto and as I had mentioned in a previous post, the warm weather calls for a simple slip dress - but this time with a pair of booties.  Call me crazy, or a gluten for punishment, but the last thing that I want to wear in the ultra hot weather is a pair of sandals - I find them so uncomfortable when your feet start to swell in the heat.  Plus, I've just been hating showing my feet in public lately.  Sporadic onset of foot phobia - it's a thing!  Read on for additional photos, outfit details, and to see how I beat the heat this weekend in my own special way.

Blush Slip Dress - Forever 21, Booties - Steve Madden Plover, Tote - Madewell
Glasses - Spring, Scarf - Thrifted

There is some method to my madness with the summer bootie.  I find that I crave a little more structure in a shoe when a heatwave hits - the fact that the boot encloses my entire foot actually helps to keep my feet from swelling (TMI? Oh well!)  Wearing a boot is also essential with city living, helping feet to stay clean when running errands in crowded city streets.  Plus, who doesn't love the look of a boot with a dress - high fives all around!

My headscarf is a thrifted silk scarf from a small thrift shop in my neighbourhood of Port Credit.  It you're interested in how I tied it, check out my last guest post for Wonder Forest here.

I hope you have a great start to the week!  Let me know how you've been dressing for our hot summer weather.

xo Joëlle



  1. How simple and beautiful, it looks perfect for summer.

    Jemma In Words

    1. Thank you, dresses like these are definitely becoming my summer go-tos

  2. This outfit is ON POINT! Love it!

  3. That scarf is so beautiful! Such a nicely styled outfit :)

    1. Thank you very much! I still can't believe that I found this scarf at a thrift store. It makes me want to try my hand at thrifting a little more often!

  4. I was surprised to see this dress is from F21, it looks so high-quality. Dress + booties is one of my favorite combos for all the reasons you listed (clean feat, swelling, etc.), in fact I am wearing my own version of that ensemble today. The blush color with camel shoes looks fab paired together.
    xx Abby a geek tragedy

    1. I couldn't believe it either! Lately I have been having lots of luck at Forever 21 - that store is very hit or miss for me and the quality of merchandise. I'm glad you're a fellow boots-in-the-summer kind of gal ;)

  5. Joelle does it again!! I love the entire ensemble. While I don't think I'll be wearing boots in the heat any time soon, I definitely have some go-to airy dresses for the heat.

    1. Thanks Kris! I had been eyeing the striped dress you had included in your summer fashion edits from Madewell - it looks like the perfect summer dress!

  6. Look at you adding so much colour into your outfits recently! I love this look!

    1. Haha, yes I have been forcing myself out of my typical all black looks to include some colour - and I have to say, I have been liking the results! I'm glad you like it too :)

  7. Lovee this look! That dress is awesome!

    1. Thanks Courtney, I'm loving this dress too - it's so versatile!

  8. Absolutely love the boots and dress combo, it's so modern :)
    xxx Claire

    1. Thank you Claire, I love pairing dresses and boots together as well :)


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